NetZero 4G Mobile Broadband: Free, Fast & Secure
The Blonde and The Brunette haven’t really had any exciting tech news to rave about for sometime. Something special happened yesterday that’s all over the media from the home page of Yahoo to USA Today and the Wall Street Journal. NetZero Wireless introduced a 4G Mobile Broadband/Wi-Fi Hot Spot program that is fast and secure (as in secure!). That means no one can grab your data while you are using their device. Not at the coffee shop, in the airport, or if you are a soccer mom, sitting on the sidelines at a game. You get it.
The bottom line is the new NetZero 4G Mobile Broadband service allows you to have a secure hot spot anywhere, anytime. The best part is the company is offering it free with no contracts, no commitments and no coverage fees. Here’s how it works.
1 The NetZero 4G Mobile Broadband is a fast, protected Internet service designed to allow users to connect laptops, tablets, and netbooks to the internet.
2. To sign up for the “free plan”, you have your choice of purchasing one of two device option pictured above. This is a one-time only investment, for either a $50 USB card or a $100 mobile hot spot, that allows up to eight Wi-Fi-equipped devices to connect to the Internet. Either option receives up to 200 MB (megabites) of data per month free.
3. NetZero is also offering no overage fees, saying that when a customer reaches their limit an alert will be sent out offering three options: 1. buy a top-up for more data immediately, 2. upgrade to a higher-capacity plan, or 3. simply wait until next month to connect again. The company explained, if you exceed your 200 MG monthly plan, , the service will stop until the next month or you can select from a series of a subscription plans starting at just $9.95 for 500MB, $19.95 offers 1GB, $34.95 offers 2GB and $49.95 provides 4GB per month. Offering download rates of 10Mbps and upload speeds of up to 1.5Mbps.
If you are still wondering why this is a game changer, NetZero is bridging the digital divide in a new way by letting consumers purchase a secure, quality, mobile broadband service at very affordable prices with plans designed to meet consumers’ data needs. This plan is particularly appealing if you are someone who relies on public Wi-Fi hot spots and can’t afford a monthly data plan. To learn more, sign up and check coverage areas, go to the site.
Happy surfing!
NJ Goldston, The Brunette