New Interior Design Trend : Gallery Walls



Since moving into my new place, I am constantly thinking about how I want to decorate. When it comes to artwork, I have quite a few blank walls to play with. Naturally, I’ve been pinning like crazy, in order to figure out which art style best fits my decor.

This is how I found my new favorite interior design trend : Gallery wallsa simple and chic way to collage your favorite framed pieces.

I love the idea of creating a “memory wall, with photos of all shapes and sizes that have a special meaning to you. Being a perfectionist, there is something beautiful about letting go, and arranging my photos into my own eye catching masterpiece. I’m calling it a “perfect mess.




Creating an in home gallery is no easy task. Below, I  put together a few points that really helped me, so if you decide this is something you want to do, these tips will hopefully help you as well!

  1. First, find an open wall and decide what type of photographs you are going to hang.
  2. Mixing the same subject is usually easiest–photographs, black & white prints, colorful artwork etc.
  3. The pieces can either be the same size or varied.
  4. It is usually best to frame and mat everything the same. If you want to mix it up, just make sure each size, shape and color ties in with the rest of the collection.
  5. If you don’t want to spend a fortune on frames, go to your local flea market and pick some up.
  6. You don’t have to spend a fortune to fill the frames. Use old photos, pages from a vintage book or even old scrap wallpaper.
  7. For a casual effect (as well as freedom to change the display over time), lean the collection on wall ledges and allow the photos to overlap.
  8. Lastly, to draw the eye with color and contrast, scatter sculptural and literary accents in and around the display.

(images via Lonny Magazine, Architectural Digest, House Beautiful, & Headed Somewhere)

Xx. Jadan Huter