4 Ways To Stay Positive & Productive During This Time
We’re all in this together. If you’re at the point where you’re starting to go a little stir crazy, maybe it’s time to shift your energy and what you’re focusing on. It’s all about perspective. You can choose to make this time a period of growth and learning, or you could look at it as a drag and boredom. The choice is really yours. We’ve been excited to have this time to really dive into learning new things, connecting with new people (digitally of course) and getting our space feeling right and organized. Read on for our 4 tips to staying positive and productive during the lockdown.
1. Become A Learner
Take webinars, watch tutorials, read books. Soak in all the knowledge you can during this time. HERE is a list of the 14 best sites that offer free classes right now.
2. Join A Community
If you’re feeling lonely and isolated, you’re not alone. We’re all going through this together, and need to lean on one another now more than ever. Try joining a digital community, where you are able to still connect with people and get interaction. Check out The Forward Female. A women’s focus career development center, they help women stay connected, accountable, and give personalized advice for your career and goals.
3. Get Yourself Organized
We all know a cluttered space = a cluttered mind. So take this down time to really get yourself organized. Go through every part of your space and clean, declutter, and get organized. You will thank yourself later.
4. Become bilingual
It’s always been a goal of mine to learn another language. So if you share that same goal, right now you can learn a new language on Duo Lingo FOR FREE. So why not give it a try? At the end of this quarantine you could come out of this bilingual.
What are you doing this time to stay productive? Let’s love to hear in the comments.
xo, Lo.