Honoring An Icon: Tiffany’s Fleur de Mer Clip
- Photos Courtesy of Tiffany & Co.
It’s fun to be on the inside and get a First Look at anything magnificent from Tiffany’s. This time it’s quite special and we are wondering if any celebrity will be wearing it at The MET Gala tonight. The diamond and sapphire Fleur de Mer clip pictured above reflects the brilliance of its designer, Jean Schlumberger, and the glamour of its owner, Elizabeth Taylor. The clip was a gift from her husband, Richard Burton, in 1965. Tiffany acquired the dazzling clip from Miss Taylor’s estate in December 2011, and honors its legacy as part of the company’s 175th anniversary celebration in 2012. We have no idea if it’s even for sale or just part of the amazing Tiffany collection. We just love getting the first look.