25 Inspiring Truths For 2014


A bit out of the ordinary for us, but I thought this was the perfect read to kick off the new year!

This past year, I turned 25. Even though nothing really ‘changed,’ it terrified me. I decided, rather than let it scare me, I would let it inspire me. I made a list of 25 “truths” that have stuck with me throughout the past quarter of a century. I hope they inspire you as we enter the new year as they’ve inspired me.

1. Stop waiting for the “perfect” moment. The perfect moment could be right now, and you’ll only realize it when it’s already gone. Don’t forget, you only get one shot, and you can’t push rewind! 


2. Be thankful for your “plain” brown eyes, your “crazy” hair, your “big” hips and your “small” lips. They are precious parts of you that have been handed down from generations of beautiful people. One day, someone will find you and fall in love with every single one of them. 
3. Let your guard down. Be vulnerable. Embrace the moment you  fall into TRUE love. You have no idea how wonderful it feels! Allow that special someone to love you back. LOVE is the most beautiful thing life has to offer. If you do this, I promise it will be your greatest adventure. 
4. Adventure. Travel the world as often as time and money will permit. Travel is the most invaluable experience life has to offer. Nothing you can learn in a classroom will have half the impact on your soul as discovering new lands, and striking up conversations with strangers.


5. Make time for everyone in your life. There will always be something to clean, clothes to wash, work to do. Make time for phone chats and girls nights. Stop being so “busy.” MAKE TIME.
6. Make extra time for your parents. Enjoy every moment you spend with them. Don’t rush them off the phone, don’t interrupt when they’re talking about their childhood, or lecturing you about life. One day you will need them, and you don’t ever want it to be “too late.”
7. Invest you’re time in cooking a healthy meal, burning the good candles, using your nice sheets, and wearing your fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is a special occasion.
8. Write. Write because it makes you happy. Write because it’s good for the soul. Write even if you think it’s terrible. Just write. Write even if you don’t know what to write about. You never know what’s going to come out on paper that will inspire another, and be more beautiful than you ever thought possible. 


9. Wait. Life is not a race. Focus on yourself. Love yourself. Meet the man you want to marry. Love the man you want to marry. Cherish every moment together. Travel. Adopt a puppy. Know you will make incredible parents. Just don’t rush it. Wait.
10. On the flip side: Stop thinking you’re not ready. Nobody ever feels 100% ready when an opportunity arises! Whether it’s a move, a new job, or parenthood, the greatest opportunities in life force us to grow beyond our comfort zones. The same opportunities change our lives in the best ways possible.
11. Read. Close the blinds, turn off all your electronics (even your phone) open a book and get lost in the pages. It’s good for you.  
12. Work on good posture. Eat healthy. Stop drinking so much. Your body wont always be “25” and you don’t want to start caring once it’s too late. Slow down and take care of your body! it’s the most incredible instrument you own.
13. Spend more time outside. Your body needs the vitamin D, and your soul needs the sunshine. Gaze off into the sunset, and embrace the details in a blade of grass. Don’t take this magical world for granted by rushing past the details, they’re the best part.


14. STOP comparing yourself to others, you have no idea what their journey is all about. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind. What does it matter? Work on yourself, become the person YOU want to be. The person YOU are proud of. Not who you think you “should” be.
15. Stop worrying so much about work. Yes – you need a job. Yes – you need money to survive. Just don’t get so wrapped up you forget to make a life for yourself. What is the point of life if you’re not actually living it?
16. Clutter weighs you down. Get rid of everything that isn’t useful.


17. Stop running away from your problems. Stop beating yourself up over past regrets, struggles and mistakes. We’re made to get upset, hurt, stumble & fall. That’s the purpose of living. Overcome your problems and rise above the past. Let the past make you better, not bitter. Everything happens for a reason.

18. Stop worrying so much, it will not solve anything. It will only strip today of its joy. Ask yourself… “Will this matter in a year’s time? Three years? Five years?” Everything has a way of working itself out. BELIEVE.
19. Stop acting like everything is fine if it isn’t. It’s okay to fall apart for a little while.  You don’t Always have to be strong. Don’t be concerned with what other people think. Cry if you need to, the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll be able to smile again.
20. Stop putting your own needs aside! The best thing you can do is lose yourself. Never forget : You are special. Follow your passion. By doing this, you will be happier, therefore more capable of helping others follow their own dreams.
21. Stop trying to make things perfect. – NOTHING is perfect. Perfection is unrealistic, not to mention – Boring.


22. Stop spending time with the wrong people – Life is too short! Spend time with the people that make you feel “at home.” The people who make you feel the most “you” that you can possibly be.
23. BE YOURSELF. Everyone else is already taken. One of our biggest challenges in life is finding ourselves in a world trying to mold us into everyone else. Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself. That way, the RIGHT people will LOVE you. 
24. Never loose your SUNSHINE. Yes. Life is tough. Yes. Sometimes the cards you’re dealt are shitty, but that is part of life. Life is the most incredible gift you’ve ever been given, STOP taking it for granted. Be grateful for the good. Be grateful for the bad. Without the bad, what’s the good? Let the bad times make you better. Turn your hardships into compassion. Whatever you do, NEVER loose your SUNSHINE!
25. Lastly, enjoy life in the present. Stop putting so much pressure on your future. Don’t forget… Life is wonderful, and so are you! 25truths_8_123013

Lastly, I leave you with my two favorite quotations, & our wish that you have an incredible new year!

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Walt Whitman

“Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.” – Mahatma Gandhi

xx Jadan Huter & The Blonde & the Brunette Team