Home Decorating Inspo: The Art Of Weaving


I’ve got a great design addition to your home. Have you thought about a tapestry? My find. Maryanne MoodieHer name in itself is captivating… Just wait until you see all of the remarkable woven tapestries this woman is capable of!

But first,  a little background can go a long way. Weaving has been a long time tradition passed on from generation to generation. My first encounter with a weaving was many years ago at my grandparents house. Twenty years later, and the weaving still hangs! I’ve had a fascination with it for years, and always knew I wanted my own special weaving one day.


Funny enough, I found that special weave via everyone’s favorite social media site, Instagram! I came upon Maryanne a few months ago, and was instantly captivated by her gorgeous weavings and incredible knack for color. I then stalked her website, which led me to her Pinterest, which led me to the confirmation that I definitely needed a weaving of my own!


 I have come upon various weaving artists throughout the years, but none that have captivated me quite like Maryanne. I’m incredibly drawn to the fact that she has modernized this 1970’s art form, and given it a warm welcome into the twenty first century! It’s like having a creature living on your wall, each with its own personality. It’s hard not to covet one for every room of the house!


Maryanne has said that weaving made her slow down, appreciate the small things in life, and reassess how to make her life simpler. It seems we can all take a page out of Maryanne’s book of life. Reminds me of my favorite August Rodin quote, The more simple we are, the more complete we become.


Maryann recommends displaying her work anywhere from a special nook. in your home office,  over the mantel, above a credenza, or to create unique visual groupings.


So, it finally happened.  Above is  my very own commissioned piece. I often transfer it from my bedroom to my record corner because I can’t seem to get enough of it! That’s what great art does. It inspires.

To place an order, contact Maryanne through her website : http://maryannemoodie.com/ plus a big thank  you  for all the photos courtesy of  Maryanne Moodie’s website, Pinterest, and/or Instagram.

Xx. Jadan Huter