My Top 5 Favorite Rules When Expressing Your Style!

Photos By: Karen Dvorak
Five things I’ve learned about fashion throughout my last couple years working in the fashion industry…I hope this list helps and inspires you as much as it did me!
1. Make every outfit a “you” outfit. You need to stock your closet with only items that express your personality. You shouldn’t dress to please anyone else. If you feel like buying the neon pink dress, buy the neon pink dress. If you feel like wearing classic jeans and a t-shirt, that is okay too. Just be true to yourself.
2. It’s fun to play up opposite personalities. Most of us, when it comes to our closet have a handful of personalities just looming inside. I know I do! Some days I dress like I’ve just stepped straight out of Woodstock, and others I look as If I’ve just walked into the 90’s. With so many great designers it’s hard for me to stick to just one style. So when I say “play up your personalities, I mean mix and match your pieces. Play up your skinny jeans with some 90’s flair on your feet, or a loose bohemian top and feather headpiece to roll all your styles into one.
3. Buy for the body you have. Not for the one you had when you were 17. Trust me, t will only cause disappointment. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bought a pair of jeans one size to small as I tell myself “two weeks and they will fit!” turns out, in two weeks it is quite frankly a waste of a cute outfit! Most of the time those pieces just sit in our closet causing us to think about how we’ve failed at yet another diet. Why not buy your current size, and rejoice when you have to get them taken in after you notice your waist shrinking!
4. Evolve. Don’t be alarmed, but what is “so you” WILL and SHOULD change from year to year if not from day to day. Fashion is an ever constant evolution of beauty and style. By the time you are 50 you should have a whole closet of photos to be able to compare outfits with girlfriends as you shriek saying “what was I thinking?” That is the beauty of fashion.
General Rule: It is tough to keep up, as fashion changes quite rapidly, but my best advice is to spend money on the classics. – Jeans, black pants, a great pair of boots, things that will stay in style years to come. Look for deals on all the “trendy” pieces.
5. Once again, I repeat…ALWAYS HONOR YOUR STYLE. For a long time, I wasn’t sure what my style was. I kept bringing things home and realizing it was similar to things I already had! This is how I came to know the style I loved. Whether your favorite dress currently be in style, out of style, or so last season, be true to yourself. And lastly, don’t be afraid to throw in a few of those “one season wonders” once in a while. Don’t play it too safe, because one day, it will be fun to look back at old photos…Trust me!
Xx. Jadan