Tanning Shimmers

The Blonde and The Brunette just learned this quick tanning secret. Let’s just say you can’t make it for a spray tan or don’t even like them, but you want a little extra glow. Go to your local tanning salon and buy a small vial of shimmer. Apply lotion in the palm of your hand, sprinkle a drop of shimmer into the lotion, mix  and violà, you have a great, custom  tanning shimmer. Make sure to apply it with a sponge. It drys instantly and looks great.  A vial  typically lasts about 20-40  applications or more.  No joke. The most popular colors are (and every salon probably names them differently),Cabana Boy, Chocolate Martini (pictured above) ,Nightlife and Champagne. If you are in LA, they are $22 per vial at the extraordinary  Portofino in Beverly Hills and their Santa Monica salon.


– NJ, The Brunette