True & Co: The Right Bra Online. No Fitting Rooms. No Measuring Tape.

Their tagline is “No Fitting Rooms. No Measuring Tape.”

You know what I am talking about because we all inwardly think it. Shopping for a bra is probably one of the most uncomfortable, difficult experiences and, of course, most of us don’t even know our correct bra size because the fitting process well… is the fitting process. That all changed a few weeks ago.  True & Co just created a new way women can shop online for a bra by completely redesigning the entire experience. They’ve designed a proprietary way to fit women online in 2 minutes with no measuring tape. Every woman (I’m talking to you and myself!) suddenly has their own personalized lingerie shop that’s fun, fashionable and yes, truly intimate. Find out your shape, your correct size and then they recommend the perfect bras just for YOU! Each one is handpicked, shipped to you (free), you can try up to five styles at home, and then ship back, for free, the ones that aren’t right for you.

To get started, just log on to their site and they walk you right through the process. All bras $45. True & Co. The name says it all.


– NJ, The Brunette