What Just Happened? From True Love to Losing Love
Hi Darlings! How are you?

Speaking of love, this week, I would like to give a special shot out to two of my favorite lovebirds. Remember Mary Kay Letourneau and Vili Fualaau? These two crazy kids have gotten back together after Vili filed for a legal separation last year.
When they first separated, it was reported that the reasons was pretty simple. She felt he needed to grow up a bit more. On his end, he was sort of bummed about the whole “stealing his childhood by entering into a sexual relationship with him when he was her 12-year-old elementary school student” thing. Just your basic marital issues.
Later, it was reported (probably by a source that rhymes with “Kary”), that the only reason Vili filed for a separation at all was because he wanted to start a pot business and was afraid his wife being a felon and registered sex offender might be an issue. But apparently, everything’s cool now. They’re just a regular couple who want to keeps things normal. He’s now a 35-year-old part-time DJ who wants to open up a legalized marijuana dispensary, and Mary is a 56-year-old woman who works as a paralegal in the same court she faced trial in 21 years ago for conceiving two children with a minor.
Mary has been very clear about their past. She’s been quoted saying “If someone had told me, if anyone had told me, ‘There is a specific law that says this is a crime’ – I did not know, I wouldn’t have done it.”
There. You see? She didn’t know what she was doing was wrong. No one told her. If only someone had said something to her.

Oh yeah. Prince Charles turned 70 last week and took a family photo with everyone except his parents.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
From somewhere with lots of gluten free Thanksgiving stuffing and lots of Juuls,
Julia Obst