What Just Happened? From Jen’s Very Good Week To Cosby’s Very Strange Week
Happy Valentines week to you darlings!
Hope everyone’s having a beautiful week! You know who’s having a great one? I would say Jennifer Aniston. I would say this week she’s #WINNING.

I don’t care about them getting back together and I don’t think either of them wants to at this point, but I would really like for them to collaborate on a movie that would win a million awards and they’d get to do the promotional tour together and flirt like crazy. Oh and the movie should be called “Far From The Sea”. This would be a genius long play move on Jen’s part.
Lest we all forget, Brad did say that being married to Jen was boring and implied that was why he had to sneak off to the greenhouse and take secret bong hits just to get through the day. He’s now in the news saying he really regrets how he handled his and Jen’s break up. That was pretty uncool, but I think they should get back together partially because mutual hatred of a third party can really add passion to a relationship.
Just imagine, Jennifer could be stepmom to the Jolie-Pitt kids and get them all to call her mom. Her and Brad could also adopt some of their own so that they have even more than Angelina does and Jennifer could start doing interviews like she has all the mom advice in the world.

In other news, is Bill Cosby trying to get declared legally insane to get out of his prison term or something? He’s been telling anyone who will listen that he’s having the time of his life in prison.
It has been reported that Bill is having “amazing experience”. He released a statement from prison saying he “has no remorse” and is a “political prisoner” like MLK, Ghandi and Mandela. Oh yes, I remember when Gandhi told his lady friends, “Hey beautiful, try this new wine I made”. This guy is DELLUSIONAL. At least he appears to still be a great comedian.

Hope you all have an incredible three day weekend!
From somewhere with lots of rain and shiny diamonds,
Julia Obst